Connectivity solutions
Our Internet service offers growing businesses and professional organizations an opportunity to connect to the Internet with a powerful and dynamic dedicated connectivity solution.
Burstable Bandwidth
PenTeleData’s scalable, Burstable Internet service offers growing businesses and professional organizations an opportunity to connect to the Internet with a powerful and dynamic dedicated connectivity solution - a changeable service that suits the demands of a living network environment.
A custom-tailored PenTeleData product designed for fast-growing businesses that need to move information between locations at the speed of light.
Multi-Dwelling Unit Service
Multi-Dwelling Unit Service is a customized PenTeleData service, designed as a property management solution for high-speed Internet and built on the concept of a subscriber-based system.
Multiplex Ethernet
A customized PenTeleData service designed for growing businesses that move large amounts of data across networks between multiple locations, Multiplex Ethernet benefits organizations with complex dedicated Internet requirements.
Dark fiber
Dark fiber is simply fiber-optic cable and fiber-optic infrastructure that isn’t being used. Cables that are actively being used are called “lit fiber,” while cables that are inactive are referred to as dark fiber. Enterprises may lease dark fiber infrastructure and provide their own equipment to light the fiber. Ask our sales team if this might be an option for you.